
Excellence Pathways - Innovative Pathways


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Meridan State College is excited to introduce four innovative ACADEMIES into our Junior Secondary program.  These academies will allow for our passionate and highly motivated students to collaboratively work together; challenging, encouraging and extending their skills and knowledge in four key areas of the curriculum. Our academy programs are designed to ignite students' passion and develop their potential whilst aligning to future pathways.​​

Our Academy program offerings are:

  • Academic Academy
  • Dance Academy
  • Sports Academy
  • STEM Academy
  • Music Academy

Entry into ACADEMY programs is by online application​ only.

Applications are open at the beginning and end of each year. Students must apply by completing the online application form, and undergo a selection process. 

These programs are ​highly competitive and are sought after by students; therefore, places are limited.

Academic Academy

The Academic Academy of Excellence has been developed to focus students into three separate learning disciplines consisting of core Maths/Science, English/Humanities and Italian curriculum classes.​

Students in academy classes will develop rigorous study skills and a real capacity to perform academically. ​

Dance Academy

Meridan's Dance Academy is designed to embed dance principles into core curriculum, as well as developing students' technical abilities. 

Extra curricula dance squads including Elite, Impact, Acrobatics and Hip Hop Megacrew Performance Teams.  

Sports Academy

Sport Academy is a tailored application-only Health and Physical Education course for Years 7 to 9.  This unique program extends beyond sport, using a passion for physical activity to develop student-athletes physically, socially and emotionally. There is a high expectation of academic commitment, as students undertake in-depth studies of the attributes for elite student-athletes; such as focus, persistence, reliance and growth mind-set. Sport Academy is for students that wish to use their ability and passion for sport as a driver for their life now and into the future. 

Sport Academy is a curriculum-based subject and does not provide additional time for sport training or athlete physical development beyond the allocated time which all Years 7-9 students engage in. Students wishing to engage in more sporting opportunities should look to the extra-curricular Marlins Performance Program for information on our pillar sports of Basketball, Netball, Oztag, Rugby League and Volleyball, as well as representative school sport and College Carnivals. 

STEM Academy​

The Meridan STEM Academy is designed to foster students' ability to think critically and creatively to solve real world problems

Students develop their knowledge and skills in each of the disciplines of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) with each project as they progress from research and ideation through to building and implementing their solutions.​

Music Academy​​

Meridan State College's Music Academy is designed to encourage the pursuit of excellence in music.  The program aims to extend each student's knowledge and understanding of music in order to develop their skills in the dimensions of performance and composition.

Student in this academy, will study music intensively, and have the opportunity to undertake more advanced performing and music activities. Opportunities include incorporation of intermediate level music technology and access to recording studios, which promote creativity and embed ICT skills through music technology.

Music Academy students are also eligible for membership in the school ensembles depending on instruments: Concert Band, Stage Mand, String Ensemble, Symphony Orchestra and Rock Band.

 Key Contacts:

  • Academies - Brandie Clucas Deputy Principal
  • Dance and Music -  Pia Manttan HOD The Arts
  • Sport Academy - Ross Stewart HOD Health, PE and Sport
  • Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics - Stephen Reid HOD IT​

Last reviewed 20 March 2025
Last updated 20 March 2025