BPoint Payments:
- Please note only VISA & MasterCard are accepted by BPoint
- Click the link found at the bottom of your invoice or the following link can be entered in to your browser
- Biller Code: 1002534 (Department of Education)
- Please check prepopulated information is correct
- Type in the amount to pay
- Choose relevant card icon
- Enter Card Details
BPoint IVR Telephone Payments: Payments can be made over the phone with a Visa or MasterCard
- Phone 1300 631 073 with your credit card, CRN (Customer reference number) & invoice numbers
- Follow the prompts (Please ensure to enter invoice details correctly)
Paying by Internet Banking: Direct payment to School Bank Account
Schools Bank Account: Meridan State College
BSB Number: 064-420
Account Number: 10567850
Reference Details: Please record your Debtor ID/Invoice number (found in top right corner of invoice) in the reference section so that your payment is recorded correctly.
- Please allow up to 3 business days for payments to be physically received & processed to students' accounts.
- Login/Register
- On the payments screen you can view outstanding payments as well as payment history
- Click the checkbox on the payment screen for any invoices to make a payment. Pleases note you can pay multiple invoices in one transaction.
- Part payments can also be made by altering the amount
- Select pay with card using VISA or MasterCard
- Enter details & select pay
- Download the QKR app on your smartphone
- Register – Select your country of residence as Australia & follow the steps to register
- Find our school – Our school will appear in 'Nearby Locations' if you're within 10kms of the school or search for our school by name
- Register your children – When first accessing our school you will be prompted to add a student profile for your child. This allows you to make orders & payments for them
PAYING IN PERSON: Payment by Credit Card, Debit Card or Cash
- Payments can be made at our Finance window, located in the Client Services building on the Primary Campus, Mon – Fri 8am – 12pm. - Wednesday CLOSED. Cash & payment by Card is accepted.
- Should you wish to contact our Finance team you can email or phone 5490 2684.
Statements are issued monthly as a FYI to show parents/carers what is currently on their account.
Important information regarding invoicing parents
Invoices should be raised to the parent who has agreed for the child to participate in an activity or agreed to purchase goods or services from the school, and agreed to pay applicable charges.
It is a matter for the parents to determine who pays the invoiced fees, however, the parent who has been invoiced is liable for the payment. If there is a payment arrangement between the parents that has not been adhered to, that is a matter for the parents to resolve between themselves.
If both parents require a separate invoice to be issued by the school for a percentage of a charge, the school must have evidence from both parents that they have both agreed to the charge. Each parent can then be established as a debtor and issued an invoice for the agreed percentage of the charge.
Online (Bank Deposit and B Point) payments must be made 3 days prior to the Excursion payment cut-off date to allow accurate processing. The Permission Form must accompany Excursion payment. Students will not be included on the Excursion Roll without a signed permission form. |
Refund Guidelines: All requests for refunds must be made within 30 days of the activity on the 'Request for Refund' form available from Client Services. It is preferred that refunds are processed on the student's account for use against future costs. If payment in advance is made by the College to the venue, no refund will be available. Transport costs may also be deducted from refunds due to our costing schedule. |
Payment Conditions: As per the conditions of the Student Resource Scheme and Queensland Education policy, students participation in College activities such as excursions, camps and sport may be restricted if fees are not fully paid or an arrangement is not in place and up to date. Essential learning activities will not be restricted. Parents experiencing financial difficulty are encouraged to contact the College to discuss this. |