


At Meridan State College, we implement age appropriate practices to plan, teach, assess and report on the Australian Curriculum.  The Australian Curriculum describes what young Australians should learn as they progress through schooling. It is the foundation for their future learning, growth and active participation in the Australian community. It sets out essential knowledge, understanding, skills and capabilities and provides a national standard for student achievement in core learning areas.

We offer curriculum programs in the following subject areas:

• Mathematics

• English

• Science

• Humanities and Social Sciences (Geography, History, Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business)

• Health and Physical Education

• Languages Other Than English (Italian)

• The Arts 

• Technology

Learning in the primary school focuses on establishing strong literacy and numeracy skills.  Our curriculum design ensures intellectual rigour in our learning experiences and promotes the skills of creative and critical thinking.  We create a relevant, engaging and challenging learning program that is purposely differentiated to cater for different learning abilities.  A positive disposition to learning is achieved through a curriculum designed to support individual student success.

The curriculum experiences at Meridan State College encourage our students to be curious learners who are active in exploring, questioning, collaborating, problem solving and thinking creatively and critically.  Our students develop the skills to confidently communicate their knowledge and demonstrate their skills in the most effective mode.  Technology is incorporated into the curriculum in a well-considered and age appropriate manner. 

The Meridan State College curriculum design requires all students in Years 4 – 12 to have access to an individual laptop.

Last reviewed 23 June 2020
Last updated 23 June 2020