We have decided to create this page as a platform to share news and education opportunities for our Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islanders Community. Meridan State College Indigenous Community gathers together at least once a term to discuss our jarjums; how they are going at school, upcoming culture programs, share new ideas and general need to know news to keep us all up to date (including scholarships, jobs and other opportunities).
All members are encouraged to share their voice and attend meetings.
A follow up email will be always sent to share the main agenda items for those that can't make it.
Every Tuesday afternoon our Deadly Leader's meet with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Primary students and share culture knowledge, yarning, stories and circle work.
They spend time mentoring the young ones and doing simple educational activities together.
This time is special and all come away feeling enriched and connected.
News :
On Friday May 26,2023 our Deadly Leaders Kaiden and Tahla gathered with Mr Caruso and Miss Wolsky to commemorate National Sorry Day. Sorry Day reflects on and acknowledges the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forcibly removed from their families and communities, which we now know as 'The Stolen Generations'. Students' participated in making hibiscus flowers referred to as the National Sorry Day flower. The five-petal Native Cotton, Desert Rose, or Native Hibiscus as we know it, was chosen to symbolise the scattering of the Stolen Generations and their resilience to the eugenic policies of Australia.
2023 Term 2 - The Barambah Camp was so much fun!
After traveling along the dirt tracks through Jimna, we arrived at the Barambah Environmental Centre at about 11.30am and we couldn't wait to get out of the bus to meet everyone. We were introduced to the other students by playing a few fun games.
We then set out on a hike through the rainforest. It started with acknowledging the Wakka Wakka peoples and their connection to this Country. Then we walked down a leafy track and along the way we stopped to explore the beautiful smell of a Lemon Myrtle tree. Its leaves seem different to the ones we find on the Sunshine Coast. Next was the 'Gympie Gympie' (Stinging tree) if you get stung by this you will need to go to hospital as the pain is very strong. And then we stood inside the roots of a Giant Fig tree, it was massive! We saw some holes cut out of the tree and the teacher explained that the old people had cut it out and may have used it for a coolamon or shield.
We used a UHF handheld radio to call into base. “Base Base, this is Koala Koala" we called out. This helped the people at the camp know where to find us. It was great to learn how to use a UHF radio.
The next day, we used maps, handheld gps and compasses to trek for four hours through the bush to find check points and tree tags. We followed a leader who set our goals, delegated roles, made decisions and had clear communication. The leaders also showed care for others by looking out for everyone in the team. This was such an achievement; it was so rewarding when we got to the top. The view was amazing!
We experienced art design with Uncle Maurice Mickelo to design a shirt and we also created a beautiful canvas inspired by the coloured sands at Rainbow Beach with Aunty Karen.
The camp was so much fun, we explored the stars and enjoyed a campfire. We learnt how to use a womera, throw boomerangs, spears and build a catapult but best of all we made great friendships with students from Gin Gin, Kilcoy, Kepnock, and Tin Can Bay. We can't wait until the next camp!!

27 May - 3 June 2021
National Reconciliation Week
Reconciliation Australia's theme for 2021, More than a word. Reconciliation takes action, urges the reconciliation movement towards braver and more impactful action.
More than a word
Behind The News Reconciliation Week
National Reconciliation Week
Department's Commitment Statement to Aboriginal Peoples and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
There are a number of events happening at Meridan State College this week to recognise the importance of National Reconciliation Week.
- Judith Shea – being from the Stolen Generation will be speaking with our Year 4 students, our Year 10 history students and our Deadly Leaders
- Judith will also be running an Educator's session on Wednesday afternoon 2 June from 3.15pm to 4.15pm
- Lunch time activities are occurring in the resource centre for students
Our P&C and school community thank the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships for their support of our Reconciliation Week activities.
25 March 2021
*Principal Project Officer
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
Central Queensland Region; Culture and Economic Participation Regional Services; Culture and Economic Participation; Cherbourg
• The role of the Principal Project Officer is to manage the implementation of the Justice Reinvestment Initiative to support policy and program outcomes, improved coordination of government services, and the development of solutions to local and regional issues for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
24 March 2021
Career Trackers great programs for your Year 10 -12 Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander students. For flyer please see below.
24 March 2021
Our 2021 QATSIF Creative Arts Competition will open in term 2 for all secondary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists. In the meantime, Momentum Collective are offering $500 to South East Queensland artists who can help them design their Reconciliation Action Plan artwork. This may suit some of your young artists.
More details at: https://mymomentum.org.au/rap
23 March 2021
safeTALK for Indigenous Australians
safeYARN workshops are part of field trials to continue the development of
safeYARN with the Sunshine Coast and Gympie communities.
(Baringa 29/4, Gympie 11/5 & 8-9/6, Mapleton 30/4 & 13-14May)