

Becoming a volunteer

The best way to become a volunteer is to contact the College to discuss what volunteering options are available that may match your interests, availability and skills.

Some suggestions are:

  • assisting with the P&C eg working in the café, assisting with fundraising events etc
  • becoming a sports coach
  • supporting learning and reading assistance programs
  • mentoring students
  • camps and excursions
  • working in different areas of the College eg Resource Centre, Offices, Classrooms

Who can volunteer?

  • parents, caregivers or extended family members
  • community members
  • senior citizens
  • international students
  • businesses

People who wish to do voluntary work for any organisation that brings them in regular contact with children must first obtain a Blue Card.  This is to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of children.

If you are a volunteer, you can expect an induction that covers the basics of your role and working environment, such as:

  • responsibilities and tasks
  • training
  • health and safety
  • behaviour management procedures.

Volunteers are supervised by authorised staff. The level of supervision depends on the work being done and whether there is direct contact with students. Volunteers working directly with children are overseen by a staff member who can readily observe activities.

Benefits of volunteering

Volunteering benefits everyone involved. Students benefit from the support of volunteers who bring life skills, expertise, knowledge and diversity to a range of activities in the College. Some benefits for volunteers include:

  • a sense of giving back to the community
  • making a difference for children and students
  • confidence building
  • a sense of belonging and feeling valued
  • learning new skills.

Children and students also benefit from volunteer programs by:

  • improving self-esteem and self-confidence
  • learning 'real life' and effective citizenship skills
  • enhancing leadership, communication and planning skills
  • promoting community engagement and positive relationships
  • gaining new friends and teamwork experiences.

All volunteers will need to sign in to the school.  

If this is difficult due to the time of events (before 8am or after 3.30pm), and so parents cannot sign in through the Office/Client Services, paper 'sign in' sheet for volunteers must be completed. 

Blue Cards – If volunteers are Meridan SC Parents/Carers, they will not be required to hold a blue card. External/community volunteers will need to present their Blue card and this will need to be recorded on the P&C Blue card register.

Vaccination – Please note that parents are welcome on school sites and are not required to be fully vaccinated, HOWEVER, if they are volunteering, they must be. 

Last reviewed 28 April 2022
Last updated 28 April 2022