Email Directory
2025 Leadership Team
College Director
| Tony Roberts | admin@meridansc.eq.edu.au
Head of School Primary | Scott Butcher | sbutc12@eq.edu.au
Head of School Secondary | Mark Seijbel
| mseij1@eq.edu.au
Deputy Principal Primary | Kelly Ayres | kayre9@eq.edu.au
Deputy Principal Year 7-8 | Brandie Clucas
| bcluc1@eq.edu.au
Deputy Principal Year 9-10 | Oliver Colmer
| ocolm2@eq.edu.au
Deputy Principal Year 11-12 | Jason Caruso
| jcaru1@eq.edu.au
Business Manager
Business Manager (HR) | Shannan Gniel
Kathleen Edwards | sgnie1@eq.edu.au
Curriculum Heads of Departments
HOD English
| Bree Moyls | bmoyl4@eq.edu.au
HOD Mathematics | Andy Manttan
| amant7@eq.edu.au
HOD Humanities | Stephanie Murphy
| samur0@eq.edu.au
HOD Health, PE & Sport | Ross Stewart | rstew101@eq.edu.au
HOD Arts
| Pia Manttan
| pmant9@eq.edu.au
HOD Innovation, Technology & Interactive Learning | Stephen Reid
| sreid111@eq.edu.au
HOD Science | Kylie Dickson
| kdick39@eq.edu.au
HOD Design Technology | Lorraine Lehmann
| llehm1@eq.edu.au
Your child's teacher will always be the first port of call for any information you may require. Many students will not require any support beyond their teacher and possibly curriculum Head of Department (HOD) however we do have a number of other key staff that are ready to assist if required.
Year Level - Heads of Departments
HOD Junior Secondary Year 7-8
| Chris Bubke | cbubk2@eq.edu.au
HOD Middle Secondary Year 9-10 | Asha Josland
| ajosl3@eq.edu.au
HOD Senior Secondary Year 11-12 and VET | Deb Ernst
| derns7@eq.edu.au
HOD Teaching and Learning, International | Amanda Randall | arand53@eq.edu.au
HOD Student Services
| Kylie Craig
| kbear29@eq.edu.au
HOD Student Learning Support Year 7-12 | Lizette Stevenson
| lstev23@eq.edu.au
HOSES P - Year 12, Learning Support Year 10-12 | Linda Boyes
| lboye2@eq.edu.au
Please contact the Year Level HODs if there are any subject selection or pathway concerns. Our Year Level Team are a great one-stop-shop for any enquires across a number of areas or any social/emotional concerns. They are able to assist with any number of concerns your child may have and will also know the key staff to refer your child to if necessary. They are also one of the people that will track your child progress in academic achievements, attendance, uniform and behaviour (both positive and negative).
Year Level Coordinators
Year 7
| Kylie Bilsen | kbils1@eq.edu.au
Year 8 | Liza Wouters
| lwout1@eq.edu.au
Year 9 | Keith Gaughan
| kgaug2@eq.edu.au
Year 10 | Karen Nixon | knixo17@eq.edu.au
Year 11
| Simon West
| sdwes0@eq.edu.au
Year 12 | Dan Harrison | dharr133@eq.edu.au
Year Level Coordinators and Year Level HODs work closely together with Mentor Teachers who are responsible for marking rolls and checking uniforms daily and assisting with the delivery of the pathways programs.
Student Services Team
Meridan State College provides a range of internal and external student support services and wellbeing agencies.
Guidance Officers
We are lucky to have two Secondary Guidance Officers and one Primary Guidance Officer at Meridan. Guidance officers provide advice and support in areas including careers advice, post school pathways, social/emotional support, study skills and mediation.
- Primary - Kim Burgess kstok38@eq.edu.au
- Seconday Year 8, 10, 11 - Andrea Appelman aappe1@eq.edu.au
- Seconday 7, 9, 12 - Tony Clarence tclar9@eq.edu.au
Students seeking support for psychology services must be referred via the College's Primary and Secondary Guidance Officers.
Aimee Thomas athom1133@eq.edu.au
8am - 4pm
Monday, Tuesday & Friday DL Building
Wednesday, Thursday: Primary campus in the LDC (Primary Centre Building)
School Nurse
Tracey Weickhardt tweic2@eq.edu.au
Our school nurse is the best person to seek for any students with health question or concerns. Our school nurse also runs a number of programs for groups of students from year 7 – 12.