We greatly value and encourage the involvement of our
parents and the broader community in our College. We believe that it really
does take ‘a whole village to raise a child’ and, as most of the adjacent areas
are new housing developments, establishing a sense of community is an important
focus for us. Research confirms that when parents and teachers work together as
partners the students’ educational experience is happier and more successful
and we encourage parents to be as fully involved in our school as time and
other commitments allow.
The following are some of the ways that parents are invited
to be active participants in their child’s education:
Parent/Teacher meetings
Classroom/College volunteer programs
College Introduction meetings
P&C Meetings
P&C social functions
Parent Education sessions
Class celebrations of learning
Guest Speaker evenings
Communication – newsletters, emails, text messages.
Our College also welcomes the involvement of the broader
community and appreciate the support we receive through:
The Sunshine Coast University
The Industry Reference Group
Work experience and traineeship opportunities
Scholarships and sponsorships
Industry involvement in curriculum programs